Family Law Specialists

It’s that time of year where many are re-evaluating their relationships, and their lifestyles, and thinking about changes that feel right to make. As a down to earth team of family law specialists, we can help you talk through any concerns, worries and questions you might have about what the future looks like if you were to separate, or formalise things if you’re already separated. We offer an initial free 30 minute telephone consultation, in [...]

2025-01-07T12:12:34+00:00January 7th, 2025|Family Law|

Pension Talk with Special Guest

The Family Team at Emin Read hosted a very interesting seminar on Tuesday, with brilliant special guest speaker, George Palmer, Chartered Financial Planner of Crown Wealth Consultants, with attendees from Emin Read Solicitors, Westgate Chambers and Heringtons Solicitors. George gave us a really useful ‘Pensions 101’ targeting just the kind of detail about pensions that we, as lawyers, can only benefit from in our daily discussions with our clients. We came away looking forward to [...]

2023-04-27T12:32:10+00:00April 27th, 2023|Family Law|

Joint Ownership of Property

Did you know that when you buy a property jointly with your partner, the property is presumed to be jointly and equally owned, irrespective of the contributions you’ve both made? Increasingly, we help parties where they might be coming in to the purchase with capital they’ve saved before the relationship began, and where they might be contributing different amounts towards this. If the relationship broke down, then without having clear documentation in place there becomes [...]

2023-03-22T16:32:22+00:00March 22nd, 2023|Family Law|

Family Mediation Week – helping separated families this January

17 – 21 January 2022 is Family Mediation Week: an opportunity for everybody to learn more about Family Mediation, a process in which in which an independent, professionally-trained mediator helps you work out arrangements for children and finances following separation. Emin Read is supporting Family Mediation Week to raise awareness of the benefits of family mediation, which can help ex-partners agree what works for them, whilst avoiding the court process with all the stress, delay [...]

2022-01-13T09:54:12+00:00January 13th, 2022|Family Law|

New Free Parenting Guide Offered to Separating Families

The Family Team at Emin Read are offering the guide for free to local families who are divorcing or separating. The Parenting Through Separation Guide is written by family professionals and advises parents of how to put their children first during a separation. The guide is launched during Good Divorce Week which runs from 29th Nov – 3 Dec, run by national family justice organisation Resolution This year the focus of Good Divorce Week is [...]

2021-11-29T08:12:04+00:00November 29th, 2021|Family Law|

Divorce & ‘Unreasonable behaviour’

You might have seen some of the headlines about the battle of Tini Owens, a woman who says she is trapped in an unhappy marriage. This case relates to her wish to divorce her husband, and the only ground for divorce which was available to her - to set out incidents of his behaviour and to satisfy a judge that Tini cannot reasonably be expected to live with her husband. Whilst our role as Family [...]

2021-07-26T14:37:25+00:00July 27th, 2018|Family Law|

One more bite at the cherry?

We have finally received the long awaited Supreme Court judgment in the case of Mills v Mills which followed cross applications by the husband and wife to vary a Spousal Maintenance Order, which was made back in 2002. Following a marriage of some 15 years, Mr and Mrs Mills separated and reached an agreement in respect of the financial matters arising from their separation. This was subsequently recorded in a Consent Order. Under the terms [...]

2021-07-26T14:37:26+00:00July 23rd, 2018|Family Law|
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