Emin Read
Litigation Services
What we do
No one likes disputes, but if one arises it is important you get the right advice. We pride ourselves in providing the highest quality legal and practical advice to ensure you get the best outcome.
We specialise in:
- Landlord & Tenant Disputes
- Property Disputes
- Contract disputes
- Debt Recovery
- Land/Boundary Disputes
How we charge
We appreciate that litigation can be expensive so, where possible, we aim to offer a fixed-fee service which gives you peace of mind. If fixed fees are available, we will send you details of the fees before acting.
Where fixed fees are not possible we charge based upon an hourly rate as is standard across the profession.
Our current charging rate for our Litigation Solicitors is £200-£350 + VAT per hour.
Our hourly charges are broken down into 10 “units” of 6 minutes. For example, a short letter or telephone call will be 1 unit and attract a charge of £20-£35 + VAT. Conducting a 30 minute hearing will involve 5 units and attract a charge of £210 + VAT.
If you want to instruct us the first step is for us to meet you so we can take detailed instructions about your issue. During this first meeting we can discuss the legal position and advise you on the best options to achieve your desired result.
The first meeting is likely to involve a 1 to 1.5 hour meeting so you will need to budget an initial cost of £200-£525 + VAT.
Next Step
To arrange the first meeting please contact Russell Dean on 0208 843 7567 or by email at russell@eminread.co.uk.